Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fucking Angry.

I'm actually really sad at the moment.
And I have been for a few weeks now.

I've finally accepted that I'll never ever have friends like I did in Melbourne. They were the best people I will ever meet, and although I've made friends in Wodonga, it's not the same.
I really connected with these people in Melbourne. We always sat together at lunch, we were always happy and we always hung out outside of school. In Wodonga, I've really struggled to find any connection with anyone. Sure I've made some cool friends and they're real nice and funny. But nothing is the same as Melbourne. Which makes me feel like a cunt, cause if Wodonga people read this they'll be like "wtf?". I appreciate them, and I do have fun. I just wish I never got expelled.

I swear I'm going to fucking lose it real soon if I stay here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A whole basket of goodies.

Oh hello there.
This is just a random blog for the sake of blogging because it's early for me but I couldn't sleep for some reason, which is one of the things I plan on discussing below.

I'll start off with the Deb. Oh my god.
It's in less than a week and I'm so nervous it isn't funny. I have to go get my suit + still learn the dances. And to make things harder, I just realised no one will be here to take me to get my suit before thursday. Yay. BUS x 23984623. I'm excited though, I plan on going out there and just really getting into and and making a fool of myself. And I will feel sorry for those people who are like, all serious and shit. It's like DUDE CHILL, IT'S JUST THE DEB. :)

Also, I have realised I'm really emotionally fucked up? Like, I'll really like someone. And I'll lead them on and on and on, and we'll get into it and shit and then when it's time to commit I push them away and have a massive cry how I lost them? At my year 11 Retreat we had this big talk thing, and I was asked to get up infront of the year level and discuss how someone had hurt me and how it had affected me to this very day. So I spoke about how my Dad left and now I find it hard trusting people and letting people in. I'm so scared that the people I love are going to hurt me, so I just never let people get close enough to do so. And whats even worse is that all the people that I have let in, still hurt me one way or another. I'm so fucking fragile it's really embarassing to be honest. But whaaaaaaaatevs.

Now I'm going to speak about the fact that I really miss my family in Adelaide. I think I might move there when I finish school, purely so I can just like, visit my siblings and cousins all the time. My Mums side of the family is amazing, and they are the most awesome bunch of people I have ever met. And I miss them allllll the time. My visits there are always ones to remember, and I'm going to miss these days when I'm like 40 and can't just go stay at my Aunties and stay up all night with my cousins.

Anyway. Thats all.
And yes, I think you've realised that I've bullshitted on about little things just to kind of cover up the middle paragraph? Hahahaha..

EDIT: I miss Steb, Molly, Amber & Jaime like mad.. :(

I am Andy.