Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The strange boost juice girl.

Not too long ago, I went to the plaza with my friends Kayt and Gemma. We decided to go to boost juice. This is where I met one of the strangest people of all time. She was wide eye'd and seemed very detached from reality, as if she were constantly high. She honestly, freaked me out a little bit. But here is how my experience went with the Boost Juice Girl from mine and Kayts point of view, shortly after getting my drink..

"Hello, welcome to boost juice, how may I help you? This is what i call the "Ordering" stage. This is where you read the signs clearly shown here to my left, right and above me. on these boards, there are lists of different juices you can purchase. once you have made your decision, you open your mouth and use your words to tell me which one you would like and in which size. once this decision has been made, i will type it into the computer and ask for your name. now, don't feel in danger, i'm not interested on asking you out on friday night - although i'd quite enjoy it - it is simply used so you know when your order is ready."

"...can i please have a large king william choc..."

"as you can see, i am now typing your order into the computer. this involves the movement of my hands and fingers interacting with this here computer. may i have your name please?"

"Errr, andy."

"Order stage is now complete. Now entering the "Payment" stage.

It is now time for payment. this is where you will pay me, the recipient, the exact cost of the boost juice in which you just ordered. here, you place your hand into your pocket or bag and reveal your wallet. you then will take money from it and pass it to me, where i will place my hand palm facing up for you to drop the money onto it. if any change is required, i will then put the coins or notes in which you have just paid into the till and calculate how much i am to repay you. i then will take this repayment from the till and place it into your palm, which will hopefully be facing up and allow me to place the change into your possesion. That is the end of the Payment stage.

I'm now begining what I call the 'making the smoothie' stage. This is where all ingridients, whether it may be fruits or milk or ice, into a blender and then turn it on to mix it up. Here I am placing the ingridients into the blender. Now i will walk over to the blender machine, set it down into the blender machine, and press the on button. The on button sparks a trigger which then spins the blades, dicing and mixing in all ingridients to create a lovely smoothie. Now i'm going to grab a cup, pour in the liquid and place a lid on top firmly so it will not fall off. Here is "Andy's Order"

"im just going to go over and get my.. oh, my bags caught"

"*HER EARS PRICK* CAN'T GET TO THE JUICE? SOMEONE NEEDS MY HELP. *GRABS BOOST JUICE AND DIVES OVER COUNTER.* OKAY. I'm going to help you on how to stand up. first of all, relax. standing up requires little effort, but if stressed, can become rather difficult. once comfortable, place your feet firlmy on the ground, evenly apart. then move your body weight forward, shifting your centre of gravity from the chair to your feet. slowly straighten out your knees and prepare to take the weight of your body. once your knees are straight, you've successfully stood up. here is your juice. i'm now commencing the passing over of your boost juice. this is when you, the recipient, places your palms on either side of the boost juice cup and recieves it from me. then once i have passed it to you, you may drink it whenever you like."

"Um, thaaanks?"

I am Andy.

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