Saturday, June 20, 2009


Why hello there blog readers and what not.

My blog posting has come to it's lowest of all time! Shocking.
I've been busy with school and exams, and hanging out with my friends.
Lately I've been struck with a serious illness..
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
2. The condition of being homesick; homesickness.)

I just wanted to make a post about all my friends in general, cause I know that all those individual posts never came.

First of all, my time in Melbourne was amazing. It was full of amazing people and amazing memories I'll never forget. I'll always remember those days at school, sitting in our own corner, bashing up little kids and jumping on the poles, then that night we'd all go to ones house and dress up, or make a cubby, make a soap opera or watch disney movies until I went delirious from sleep deprivation. Everyday I think of those times and really appreciate what I had, and realise that because of my actions, I'm now missing out on them. Everytime a group of photos from a party go up and I see everyone there having a good time, I can't help but feel jealous of what I'm missing out on. For those people who made a direct impact on my life, and you know who you are, I truly appreciate every single moment I spent with you, and hopefully, plenty more will come in which I can then appreciate. I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly and leaving pre-made plans like a ship wreck, i.e. the Deb, but it was unintentional and I will make it up to you. Me living so far away has put quite a strain on my relationships, from my point of view anyway, and when I come down to visit, I don't mean to be a burden. I have minimal places to stay and want to spend multiple nights at your house, and I understand it can be hard, and for that, I'm sorry too. I don't want ot make having me as a friend a strain on everything, but even spending a few hours with you, although would be slightly heartbreaking when I leave, is worth it in every way possible. I love you all so much.

Now onto Wodonga. I haven't been here very long, but I can tell I've made some friends for life. I'm glad I got the chance to come here and meet so many more wonderful people. You've made the transition so much easier for me by how accepting everyone has been. Every weekend I have some where to go and someone to see, and I feel really welcomed, like I'm one of the group. Lunch times are just the best, sitting by E block or the front lawn, being absolute tards alllll the time. I've met such a micture of people who just constantly make me smile, and it makes me happy to come to school. You all already mean so much to me.

Anyway. Just felt like being all emotional and shit, so yeah.

I am Andy.

currently listening to:
Rediscover - I will forget you.
currently watching:
livelavalive on youtube!
favourite thing atm:
my new jumper (L)

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