Saturday, January 31, 2009

Finally, family.

Evening blog readers and what not.

Finally, I'm going to post about my family.

My Mum and Dad met in the Army and had 3 children. They divorced when I was 11 months old, and my father left my Mother, two older sisters and I alone. He didn't see us often even though he lived accross the road, and would never look after us for longer than an hour. I was 3 and my Poppa (my Mums Father) got veeeery sick, we decided to go visit him on the train, but we didn't get there in time, he died a few hours before we got there. I don't have any memories of my Poppa, which upsets my Mum because even though when they were younger, he was an alcoholic and used to beat my Mum, Nanna and 3 aunties, she loved him very much. My Nanna was left alone, and it was decided we'd leave Adelaide behind and move up to take care of my Nanna.

We moved to Coffs Harbour, where we lived right on the beach and lived a very quiet life. I didn't see my Dad in the three years I lived there. After Mum worked around 3 jobs and couldn't handle the pressure anymore, she rejoined the Army which ended our life in Coffs Harbour and we were "posted" to Brisbane. (Posted is when an Army officer is given a job and paid to move to that area.) I was 6 when we left.

Once in Brisbane, we lived there for 5 years. I spent the majority of my primary school years there and after about a year there, my Nanna and her "boyfriend", (now husband and my Mum's Stepdad) John, moved just down the road. I went there before and after school and so on. I saw my Dad probably close to 3 times when i lived in Brisbane, one of those times he had work in Brisbane and came to stay at our house. My oldest sister, who was around 15 at the time, star
ted playing up and sneeking out, so she was sent to live with my Dad. By now he had one of his replacement children, Brianna. Carrie lived with my Dad for i think close to 2 years before he built a new house and told Carrie they weren't building a room for her. He also had his second replacement child shortly after that, Callan. Carrie finished high school with us in Brisbane and when she finished school she was 18 and joined the Navy. At the end of that year, she was posted to Melbourne and Mum was posted to Sydney. When Mum announced it, Nicole, the middle child, was not happy. It was organised that my sister Nicole would live in an apartment with my cousin Danni who was 21 at the time. (She had also lived with us for a short while, her mother Annette, my mums younger sister, died when Danni was young.) Mum, Peter (Mums boyfriend, now my Stepfather) and I left for sydney. I was 11.

We arrived in Sydney and I cried my first night there because it was originally planned that Nicole would be coming, and there was a bed made for her in our accomodat
ion. Whilst in Brisbane, i was skipped a grade because when i finished my year 2 work, I'd start year 3 work and so I did year 2 and 3 in one year. So when I had to start school in Sydney, and moving into the new Education System, where year 7 is high school, I was given the choice if I wanted to go into high school or stay back in year 6. I stayed in year 6, I wasn't ready for high scool. We stayed in Sydney for one year, but it was quite evenful. We lived right on the beach, Nicole came and visited with one of her friends and also Mum and Peter got married that year, Carrie, Nicole and I were all part of the service. I didn't see Dad that year I believe, but Mum was unhappy with how the situation with Nicole was working out and told her to come home and to live in Melbourne. Nicole was very unhappy and to spite Mum, moved in with Dad. We were posted to Melbourne which was where Carrie was living, Mum was posted to the same base and everything. I was 12.

The next 4 years weren't very eventful. I didn't meet Callan untill he was 2 and a half and I visited Dad every year for those 4 years, which has made me love my little brother and sister ALOT. I met some amazing people and life was great. Untill i moved to the country.

So thats about it.. I've probably missed something some where. My family is pretty close, I visit my two Aunties, two Uncles, five Cousins, three Siblings, Dad and Stepm
um + her family every christmas.

So thats my amazing family and also where i moved? haha.

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Will Sturgeon - The Undererv'd.

Currently watching:
Mr. Deeds.

Favourite chocolate sweet:
Turkish delight.. Or Caramello Koala!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Year eleven fears.

Evening blog readers and what not.

I'd just like to share my feelings on school going back in 2 days! First of all, I am going into year 11 as I have said before. This year I'm doing a year 12 legal studies subject, and I was given a lot of holiday homework, and I started it today! Clearly I'm very slack, but I mean come on! I was away all holidays, like normal people are. Not doing homework. Holidays are to escape school! Anyway. So today I actually started to feel sick thinking about school. I want to go some where in life, and I want to have a good job... But I don't seem to have the drive to do school? It doesn't interest me like it did when I was young and I'm freaking out because I really don't want to fail anything and get bad marks. And if this is how I'm feeling before year 11, I certainly can wait for year 12. Also going back to my newer (it's not really new any more) isn't making it any easier, cause as much as I love my new friends, it isn't the same. I really regret the way i acted at my last school and I have no one else to blame for it, except maybe a few people involved in the situation, but ultimately it was me. I just feel really upset tonight. I feel distanced from my friends and disconnected and I don't want to go back to school.

I'm going to end this blog on a positive note and say blah.

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Kesha - Backstabber

Currently watching:
The News.

Favourite male fragrance:
Joop Homme.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heat wave!

Evening blog readers and what not!
Today I am quite agitated for many reasons. I'm going t
o explain to you why now :)

First of all, today I drove 4 hours to Melbourne to visit the orthodontist. It was a long way to go, but next time I go, I'm getting them off, so it was important! Anyway, so I spent 8 hours in the car today, IN THE MIDDLE OF A HEA
T WAVE. The temperature today reached 43 degrees Celsius and I simply wanted to pass out. What else agitated me was on the way to Melbourne, I heard a story on the news about a 35 year old father throwing his 4 year old daughter off the Western Gate Bridge! She fell 60 metres into the Yarra River where she was found and help was called for. They resuscitated the little girl, but she later died in hospital. Witnesses and I'd say 90% of Australia is quite traumatise by this at the moment.

I'd just like to kno
w, what the hell would go through your mind, as you threw a helpless 4 year old girl over a bridge to her death? Especially your own daughter! Some people are extremely messed up.

Other than that, the day was okay. I stopped by my grandparents' house and we stayed for lunch.

By the way, I'm quite aware this post was meant to be about my family.. But whatever Trevor!

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Kill the Messenger - Jacks Mannequin.

Currently watching:
Home and Away. lol.

Favourite soft drink:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Evening blog readers and what not!
This blog has been alive for almost 24 hours!

Today is a scorching 40 degrees Celsius in my little town and gee am I no coping!
I'm quite unsure on what to talk about, and i had made a deal with myself that my next post would be about my family. Clearly, it isn't going to be about my family for I am a bit lazy and will do that at a later date.

In the meantime, I have been sharing this song with my friends on msn and wanted to share it with anyone reading this blog. It featured in my last blog, and I'm going to have to feature it again, because I have no stopped listening to it. It is also on my myspace profile!

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Death Cab for Cutie - Underwater (again)

Currently Watching:
Deal or No Deal.

Favourite fruit:

Why, Hello there bloggers.

Evening blog readers and what not!
My name is Andy and clearly, I am new to blogspot and blogging all together. It is 8:42 pm and I have nothing better to do on a hot Tuesday evening. My first blog is going to just basically talk about myself, and so will most of my future blogs to come.

My name is Andy and I am 16 years old. I have travelled all around Australia because my mother is in the Army. Places I have lived are as follows: Adelaide, Brisbane, Coffs Harbour, Sydney and Melbourne. I do not live with my real father and my two older sisters have moved out. My father has had replacement children and live in Adelaide keeping to himself except for the 2 weeks I visit him every Christmas. Five months ago I was expelled from school and was sent out into the country away from my life as punishment, where I'm living out my days doing nothing. I don't have any hobbies but I love listening to some tunes and watching all kinds of movies. I sometimes like to paint and draw but I'm not very good, and I will randomly go on photography spree's but none of it really turns out to be that great. I'm a pretty good writer and find myself writing all kinds of things whenever I can. I'm starting year 11 on the 2nd of February and I'm really scared, because I've never been too intelligent. I am looking forward to Literature a great deal though.

When I left Melbourne I left some wonderful friends, some of which I still keep in contact with and visit on a regular basis whenever I can. One of which, Stephanie, has a blogspot. She inspired me to make one, even though I'm not quite too sure on who will read this, or how you find it.

Stephanies blogspot:

I'm hoping this blogspot will be a release for me, where I can share all the things i find interesting and escape from the dealing of my unusual life.
I'll be back and posting whatever, whenever.

P.s If you're wondering about the whole "Eyebrows" thing, It is a nickname I earnt while watching Lord of the Rings from Stephanie. Go to this link to see where it started:
And no, I do not have eyebrows like that.

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Death Cab for Cutie - Underwater.

Currently watching:
Australian Open.

Favourite colour: