Friday, January 30, 2009

Year eleven fears.

Evening blog readers and what not.

I'd just like to share my feelings on school going back in 2 days! First of all, I am going into year 11 as I have said before. This year I'm doing a year 12 legal studies subject, and I was given a lot of holiday homework, and I started it today! Clearly I'm very slack, but I mean come on! I was away all holidays, like normal people are. Not doing homework. Holidays are to escape school! Anyway. So today I actually started to feel sick thinking about school. I want to go some where in life, and I want to have a good job... But I don't seem to have the drive to do school? It doesn't interest me like it did when I was young and I'm freaking out because I really don't want to fail anything and get bad marks. And if this is how I'm feeling before year 11, I certainly can wait for year 12. Also going back to my newer (it's not really new any more) isn't making it any easier, cause as much as I love my new friends, it isn't the same. I really regret the way i acted at my last school and I have no one else to blame for it, except maybe a few people involved in the situation, but ultimately it was me. I just feel really upset tonight. I feel distanced from my friends and disconnected and I don't want to go back to school.

I'm going to end this blog on a positive note and say blah.

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Kesha - Backstabber

Currently watching:
The News.

Favourite male fragrance:
Joop Homme.


  1. Greeting and Salutations, Andy! Stay positive

  2. Chin up shishkebaby. Run away to Melbs sometime. Bonne chance pour yr11 - you'll get through it I know :)
