Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heat wave!

Evening blog readers and what not!
Today I am quite agitated for many reasons. I'm going t
o explain to you why now :)

First of all, today I drove 4 hours to Melbourne to visit the orthodontist. It was a long way to go, but next time I go, I'm getting them off, so it was important! Anyway, so I spent 8 hours in the car today, IN THE MIDDLE OF A HEA
T WAVE. The temperature today reached 43 degrees Celsius and I simply wanted to pass out. What else agitated me was on the way to Melbourne, I heard a story on the news about a 35 year old father throwing his 4 year old daughter off the Western Gate Bridge! She fell 60 metres into the Yarra River where she was found and help was called for. They resuscitated the little girl, but she later died in hospital. Witnesses and I'd say 90% of Australia is quite traumatise by this at the moment.

I'd just like to kno
w, what the hell would go through your mind, as you threw a helpless 4 year old girl over a bridge to her death? Especially your own daughter! Some people are extremely messed up.

Other than that, the day was okay. I stopped by my grandparents' house and we stayed for lunch.

By the way, I'm quite aware this post was meant to be about my family.. But whatever Trevor!

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Kill the Messenger - Jacks Mannequin.

Currently watching:
Home and Away. lol.

Favourite soft drink:

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