Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Evening blog readers and what not.

I decided to write a blog about all of my dearest friends, and thought I'd begin with my good friend who is farthest away. Her name is

We met a long time ago when we were young, while I was living in Brisbane. We didn't see each other that often, cause we simply knew each other through friends. Our friendship didn't flower untill recently. One random night, we began talking on msn and making stupid jokes to each other. After talking every so often on msn, it became a nightly thing, eventually we called each other for Christmas and new years and got all excited over how much our voices had changed. The chat's on msn kept on going untill eventually, Tay's msn got hacked by some random faggot who likes to ruin lives. She called me quite upset and wanted to figure out how to get it back. She didn't get it back untill recently, but from there on we started speaking on the phone every night. We spoke on the phone close to every night for a whole year! Untill she went to Canada on exchange. Now she's back and the large phone bills are rolling in.

Taylor and I have a great understanding of one another, and our personalities really compliment each other as we share the same humour. She's hilarious and says the stupidest things sometimes, but it just adds to her charm. I'm not saying we don't have our little lame arguments, but we see past everything and see each other for who we are. Without Taylor this past year, I wouldn't have made it. Taylor is always going to be on my mind and more importantly my heart. xo

I am Andy.

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