Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not about a friend.

But infact about an enemy.

Evening blog readers and what not..

I'd just like to express my hate for humanity. I'm quite the hateful person and i generally hate close to 98% of everything ever made, but humanity has to be up the top of my list.

Never has there been such a hateful, disgusting race on this planet. Men think they can strut around and destroy everything they touch. We spew waste into the environment, poisoning waters, flattening forests and burning fields. We commit mass slaughter to feed ourselves and think everything is okay. Species of plants and animals have been crushed beneath the force of the hands of humans, and we're pushing many to it today. This planet would be a better place without Humans.

Another attribute humans seemed to have been so lucky to have been blessed with is how selfish every human seems to be. People steal, lie and murder. In every way, people will use anything they have to ruin and destroy anyone who has a better life than them. People can talk and lie and bring a persons life down around their ankles in seconds, all because they can and they're jealous.

Why do humans feel they have the right to do whatever they please? If there was a God, he'd correct his mistakes and wipe the planet of all Humans, but then.. He'd be no better than any Human he created, would he?

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Owl City - Dear Vienna
Currently watching:
Favourite place:
Melbourne City.

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