Monday, February 2, 2009

My school uniform itches.

Evening blog readers and what not.

Today was my first day back at school, and boy oh boy can I not over emphasise how terrible I feel. As soon as I put on my uniform, it set in and I was tired of school already. My classes were okay, Literature was great.. But the others seemed very, plain and simply boring and empty.

First period didn't run today, as we had an assembly and we also had to get lockers, etc. Second period was RE. I knew no one in the class and I sat by myself. (Although, I did speak to one of the students in the class at recess and they told me to sit with them next lesson.) And yes I know, you're asking "Why oh why did you pick RE, good sir?" and if you did ask me that question, I would answer with "My school made me." It's a shame where it comes to such an important time in your life, where every class you pick counts, and the school you're going to considers itself and it's religion more important than you're future. Luckily, I some how managed to fluke and select the RE which is more about Social studies, we looked into Social Injustice today.

It was then recess, where I spent most of my time in an office with two of my friends because their timetables were mixed up.

Period 3 & 4 were Literature, which has practically all my friends in it, was a blast. It was funny and we read an interesting story about a white South African family who lived in South Africa during the Apartheid they had in place. They put up all these walls and alarms and eventually, some razor-laced wire. Their small child read a book about Sleeping Beauty, I presume, and was inspired to climb the "castles walls" and crawl through the tunnel of "thorns". He was cut up and died. Ironic how they put up all these precautions to protect themselves, but in the long run it did more damage.

Lunch time again, I was with 2 friends in an office, then i left because i was bored and sat with my friends.

Period 5 was Maths. Our teacher rambled about pointless stuff and then gave us some work sheet which didn't require much brain power for most (although it did for me for I am brain dead.)

Period 6 was Year 12 Legal Studies. Oh my god, never have i freaked out so much in my life. Luckily this year I'm in the class with someone in my year level, where as last year I was by myself with all year 11's! The best news I heard all day was in that class, and it was that I don't have to go to school on friday. The worst was i have a SAC next friday. And i also got homework for Legal.

Oh well, school is back and I'm going to be very busy for the first few weeks, I'll give up eventually. Oh by the way, if you're saying "Your uniform itches?! Oh dear, wash it!" then you're stupid. It is a metaphor on how uncomfortable I feel with going back to school. :)

I am Andy.

Currently listening to:
Undeserv'd - Will Sturgeon.

Currently watching:
Desperate housewives (in a few minutes!)

Favourite milkshake:

1 comment:

  1. School makes me retch.
    If it weren't for friends.
    If it weren't for Steb I'd probably have suicided in DOUBLE METHODS today...
    Maybe we should both metaphorically wash our metaphorically itchy uniforms...
